Sunday, November 4, 2012

until college

I make an effort to change Rinn’s diaper in the middle of the night. That's a lie. I make an effort to tell my husband to change Rinn’s diaper in the middle of the night.  He works second shift, so really it’s the only practical option.  I don’t do this because I suffer from that pesky mom guilt, I do this because of normal person guilt, the kind that comes with allowing someone to snooze away while soaking in their own piss.    

On a New Years Eve a number of years ago, I might have drank my own weight in moonshine and I might have maybe wet the bed. Not my proudest moment, but now I'm aware that it's not great waking up damp and stinking of urine; so I try not to let him experience that, at least not until college.

The wildest part, he will sleep straight through someone reaching into his crib and disrobing him in the middle of the night but he's up and howling if he hear's my toe clicking in or around his room.  Explanations welcome. 


  1. My cousin Jamie was chatting with me about my blog and mentioned yours, and said how hilarious it was so obviously I had to check it out. Your son is adorable, and quite honestly I've obnoxiously laughed out loud multiple times reading your posts :)

    It's always nice to meet fellow bloggers and read their stuff! My blog is

    Can't wait to read more of your stuff!
