Monday, December 24, 2012

tis the season

As a kid, Christmas was the most excellent of holidays; there were presents and cookies and days off of school and of course, the late night holiday parties thrown by your parents which resulted in family trips to the ER the following morning because dad tore his ACL dancing his wildly drunk ass off in the basement. Yeah, excellent…

As an adult, Christmas is exhausting.  I’m not sure I realized as a child that someone has to actually bake those cookies and buy those presents. And days off?  Let’s be serious, the last time I had a real day off was before Rinn learned that he can walk the entire length of the apartment simply by staying in close proximity to and gripping the walls, resembling a tiny Spiderman or someone who has just thrown themselves at a Velcro wall.     

Bah humbug.

Good, now that I got that out of my system I can move forward with wishing all of you the happiest of holidays and best wishes in the New Year. My resolutions include the obvious love more and eat less but more importantly, I’m vowing to pull myself out of this creative funk and blog more frequently.   If you’re looking for me, I can probably be found sitting dangerously close to a light box trying to ward off the winter blues.  

Our holiday card, courtesy of the always wonderful Now It's Personal Photography

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